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By M. Park
Metal Markers
aren't rail yard shuttles
just as 'legal' bank card scams
aren't rainy day puddles
Boiler plates and Boxcars
aren't easy to hide
and grand theft auto
don't make it your ride
Notes and memo's don't
re-appear to disappear
Could be a C-Suites
pinking shears
Public tribunal transcripts aught
not libel or 'disappear'
Nor should computer
notes lode for DeBiers
Disney Dockets
don't thrill or evade
when states sponsor child abuse
and promote the slave trade
Red lined Go Around's in
Judicial systems
Accelerate Spin
as Merry-go-Round's
trade wind's twins
go around in rounds
again and again
Polaroid Camera's were
more than 1970's toys
Instant family photo reminders
bring Old Hippies joy
Many modern day gadgets
make false claims
white noise doesn't hide,
it reappears
in "free's" patterned
Mister C-Corp. Little
loves 'Sugar & Kane'
Arrogant 'fools' have no shame
Now Mr. Little
may have lost his wind
Cause Jamaican Sugar Kane's
a Special.. Blend
Heavy weight lead, thin as ice
Could be..
a Chalice running over,
ain't loaded dice
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