soaked with rain
and the smell of loam
puddles along my walkway
grow into miniature marshlands
bedraggled blades of grass
poke their heads above the waterline
a backyard rendition
in the subdued Cajun rhythms
of Bayou La Croix
grey reflections
scattered in shadows
nature’s silhouettes
in greyscale gatherings
trail off like crowds
at events end
random and rag tag
they grow small in the distance
like tumble down fences
along country lanes.
Laissez-faire aptitude
Out of control
Cool blue persona
so jazzy, in vogue
classical euro-cat
playing a neon breeze
sashaying the notes
in an arpeggio tease
irresistible tune-man
stroking the ladies
his tones, silky smooth
turning No’s into maybes
finessing the ladies
with vibrant tones
stroking their ego’s
calling them home
struttin’ on stage
lookin’ for fame
notes full of verve
changing the game
delicate notes
spieling his life
bills and chores
the mundane
got his roots
in lazy replay
a trifle of fools gold
is a glib talkin’ man’s dream
glimmering shimmering
mirages and schemes
wanted and welcome
on center stage
is he building a future
or a cage full of rage
in limelight times lie
trading places and faces
for whatever’s in season
these pondering plights
pastimes of reason
in all that is new
it’s redemption we share
rhymes in contempt
rhymes in disgrace
the mirror reflects
the truth on his face
rivers of opportunity
lay fallow with gold
obsessions to seize
or the lies you behold?