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I love to write and sing these days

Always did like science too

And jumping round like a kangaroo

The simple life sounds fine to me

To watch the stars and flowers greet

To stand upon a sandy beach

And meet the tides beneath my feet

To see the sun set on mid horizon

And feel the wind blow cross my cheeks

I wonder now if this shall be


To speak and hear and know tis true

The beauty of the earth reigns nigh

The hills and trees and flowered glens

The rivers song beneath the bluffs

The triumph of a truth we trust

The rath of time, Beethoven’s bust

These things we take for granted now

Have passed beyond my wit and brow

And yet I hope to breath the air

To fly a kite, to lose despair

To pray and know that promise lives

Within our hearts within our kids

The Widow in the Glen

Below the night sky there tarries

A widow in the glen

The shawl about her shoulders

Threadbare at the ends


Stolen moments to remember

Beauty’s window to the soul

In exile she does wander

to repay another’s toll


the open velvet of sunrise beckons

offering possibility

a chaste snapshot


in the passage between night and day

where seconds linger

what was lost is found


In a caesura of lost inertia\


Redemption our embrace 

Paired opposites

By Mary Mary Margaret Park


Falling stars shout to the moon

In a filigreed sea of sadness

Their kingdoms done and gone

Signaling seconds passage


Art is Life


Information Bombs

Poem by Mary Margaret Park



tons of it

compression waves

spilling from our computer screens

A-bombs crowding

the mind’s horizon




time slot stampede

marked and dated

obsolete upon arrival


the relevant

and the arcane


random and



a vast 

weigh station

of data


a race for the latest


it’s eclipse


Photo by Danielle Colucci


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      MMP Publishing Mary Margaret Park all rights reserved

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