I love to write and sing these days
Always did like science too
And jumping round like a kangaroo
The simple life sounds fine to me
To watch the stars and flowers greet
To stand upon a sandy beach
And meet the tides beneath my feet
To see the sun set on mid horizon
And feel the wind blow cross my cheeks
I wonder now if this shall be
To speak and hear and know tis true
The beauty of the earth reigns nigh
The hills and trees and flowered glens
The rivers song beneath the bluffs
The triumph of a truth we trust
The rath of time, Beethoven’s bust
These things we take for granted now
Have passed beyond my wit and brow
And yet I hope to breath the air
To fly a kite, to lose despair
To pray and know that promise lives
Within our hearts within our kids
The Widow in the Glen
Below the night sky there tarries
A widow in the glen
The shawl about her shoulders
Threadbare at the ends
Stolen moments to remember
Beauty’s window to the soul
In exile she does wander
to repay another’s toll
the open velvet of sunrise beckons
offering possibility
a chaste snapshot
in the passage between night and day
where seconds linger
what was lost is found
In a caesura of lost inertia\
Redemption our embrace
Paired opposites
By Mary Mary Margaret Park Et.al
Falling stars shout to the moon
In a filigreed sea of sadness
Their kingdoms done and gone
Signaling seconds passage