The Every Man and woman by Mary Margaret Park
Updated: Dec 5, 2022
wearing the masks of the mundane
every man, the only man, they are anonymous
transparent shadows of doubt and dismay
playing hide-n-seek
we walk blithely through the universe
with hooks buried in our hearts
barbed peace offerings
we couldn’t resist
childhood ghosts
bullied by guilt and shame
we try to disguise and apologize
for the frailty of being human
our birthright
a bitter tonic of family legacy
aged and adulterated
irresistibly familiar
we are at once aware
and unaware
these quintessential flaws
tightly woven into our being
in rebellion we try to shake them free
wasting breath and energy
we need only to embrace them
with acceptance and forgiveness
in this we find a moment of grace
so that we might rest a little easier
and mend our souls
if only for a little while