electronic mail
information tidbits zipping
through cyberspace
our inboxes their final destination
where they clamor for attention
a frenzy of incoming data
a wreck of garbled messages
whole strings of them
cluttering our inboxes
in que?
or on cue?
invisible wires
intractable networks
the children knew
the web’s mystery was massive
a predator's maze of delights
underestimated by many for 'naught' all...
jackpots oft the undiscovered,
the unknowns, the anonymous?
or the Laissez-faire aptitudes for attitudes'
status quo
for a time folks used 3rd party phone lines,
you never knew who was listening
operators or neighbors,
didn’t matter,
you watched your
P’s and Q’s
‘s copper wrapped onto spools
electronic 'fools'
but time moves on
thread spools became bobbins for sewing machines
replacing hand sewn, embroidery, and crewel work was
relegated to 'junk status'
then large copper wire spools were repurposed for tables for the 'Twist'
"Please Sir, can I have some more?
social interactions became fewer
fading, like memories of season’s past
physical interactions, once so common
Computers Covid's Isolation,
we’re here
but not there,
missed physical embraces
social courtesies and grace hidden behind
plague masks
lost smiles
new modes of thought and operation
faster, more efficient, the here is now,
barista’s like coffee,
'answers' are 'instant'
data systems, with too much to tell
Alvin Toffler's 70’s futurist Future Shock revealed
social discourse losing to sexual innuendo’s
like secret notes/nodes
separated by oceans or degrees, does it signify?
significant or
it matters
inboxes crowded with dozens of emails the plight
of the 'economy sized' age
dozens of them clamoring 'fore' attention
along with
precious jewels bearing news from Friends and Family,
friend for foe
foe for friend?
poor or rich
in unfathomable bits
altered allerations
artificial intelligence
too much
dis-information as/or
'fore' information
information overload
in a sea of misdirection
the ponderer's plight
the Librarian's right
she knows better
The press
The press
in printed form
editors express
the typesetter's
aren't preset,
customs' (not costume)
the best
Mary Margaret Park MMP Publishing
Fecking Rude People
got no one's beat
the game is control
speciality's to deceive
Computer screens
hell box scenes/seams
To distract and glue another's dreams
After saturation, increase 'glare'
to program attitudes is easy fair
The A List texts in 'IT"
Objects loud their 3D
Nothing but headaches
No crowds to. please
Hidden notions, on your Television
Manufactured x-ray vision
Sickly 1940's subliminal's child's play
Compared. to elect-trick cattle cars of today
Push. a button, 1,2,3.
Practiced lessons to deceive
habitual actions buried deep
motor skills a rich man's jinx
Thought without. action, thought of the day
Megalomaniacs methodical haze
Corporation's mediocrity danger's daze
He watches and times reactions actions
but that's obsolete, like to resist for redaction
Piles of data, so many subjects to observe
We know nothing of them, but computer's 'nerves'
We also know a sidecar trickster
We're the 'circus' so watch out 'mister'
Gotta 'Luv" electronics absurd tools
We call them abject distortion 'fools'
We've all been guilty of falling for those electron traps
Auchtung,, high voltage ain't so bad
compared to radonic cycles that roll high speed "rollar coasters"
But the A list entitled don't give a damn
Just another 3-mile island to them
These aren't Mother Goose Fairy Tales friends, they're Grim
Engrave Danger